Quick Start
Working with OpenAdapt
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OpenAdapt requires Python3.10, you can download it here or try our installer, which will download Python for you.
First, clone & navigate to the repository:
If poetry is not installed, you can use pip to install it:
Lastly, run these lines to setup the environment:
Good to know: After installing OpenAdapt, run
to verify that the installation was successful.
Make your first recording
Note: A GUI is currently in development, see app (module)
To make your first recording, try the following command:
You should see the following when recording has begun:
To stop recording, focus the terminal and send CTRL+C (SIGINT). The recording is finished saving when you see something like this:
To check what the recording looks like, run python -m openadapt.visualize
Read more on openadapt.visualize.
Last updated