Generates and displays the user's productivity in the latest recording.


$ python -m openadapt.productivity

1 Introduction

The purpose of this document is to define the requirements and design of the Productivity measurement system in the OpenAdapt process automation library.

2 Background

  • Motivation:

    • Useful for businesses to evaluate the performance of their employees through their productivity

    • Convenient for us to measure this productivity since we are recording the user’s actions

    • Businesses would be more inclined to use OpenAdapt if they knew how it helped with their productivity

3 Goals

  • We want to be able to provide businesses with metrics that show how productive a user is in a recording. These metrics include but are not limited to:

    • Number and length of repetitive tasks

    • Total/average time spent on repetitive tasks

    • Number of mouse clicks

    • Number of key presses

    • Number of long pauses

    • Number of window/tab changes

    • Total time spent on each window/tab

    • Number of errors (at the moment we don’t have a good way to do this)

4 Design

4.1 System Overview

4.2 Task identification

4.3 Window event data

  • Show one screenshot for each time the user switches tabs/windows, accompanied by data like # of clicks, # keypresses, and time spent on the tab

4.4 Visualization

  • Everything described above is visualized as an HTML page using bokeh, similarly to the original

  • At the top of the HTML page there is data about the entire recording, including things like # of tasks completed, total/average time spent on repetitive tasks, # keypresses/clicks, # pauses, # tab changes

5 Analysis

5.1 Performance

Plots and discussion of relevant metrics (e.g. accuracy, throughput)

6 Future Work

  • Refactor to make a clean, sleek webpage rather than just visualize HTML

  • Ultimately, it would be nice to be able to compare the productivity of a user with that of a ReplayStrategy - time spent on completing the tasks in a recording and error rate would be a useful comparison

  • Once we have a vision model that is suitable for GUI images, we can use that model to identify the task identified as the longest repeating task in the recording

  • Ideally, we would get feedback from businesses about what information suits their needs

Last updated